About Dataflow Service API

This is an older version of the API. For the latest version, see V2.1.

The Dataflow Service provides data integration, data development, data operation, and maintenance services that are required for batch data analysis. For details, see the API documentation:

Refer to the table below for the list of APIs, and whether they can be used by EnOS Cloud and EnOS Edge.

API List

Operation Name Description EnOS Cloud EnOS Edge
Cancel Flow Instance Cancel the running of a specified workflow instance. ×
Create Directory Create a directory. ×
Delete Flow Delete a specified workflow. ×
Disable Flow Stop the scheduling of a specified workflow. ×
Enable Flow Start the scheduling of a specified workflow. ×
Export Flow Export a workflow configuration. ×
Get Current Time Get the current time of the server. ×
Get Flow Get the information of a specified workflow. ×
Get Flow Instance Get the information of a specified workflow instance. ×
Get My Flow Search workflows that meet the search criteria. ×
Get Task Instance Log Get the log of a specified task instance. ×
Get Time Zone Get the time zone where the server is located. ×
Import Flow Import workflow configuration to create a workflow with the specified name under the specified directory. ×
List Flow Instances Search workflow instances that meet the search criteria. ×
List Workflow Directories Get all the content in the workflow directory of the current OU, including workflow files and sub-directories. ×
Load Flow For Edit Load the specified workflow to a temporary workflow to get the workflow information. ×
Save Flow Save the information of the current workflow. ×
Search Flow Search the basic information of workflows that meet the search criteria. ×
Trigger Flow Trigger a workflow schedule manually. ×
Update And Trigger Flow Trigger workflow scheduling with updated parameters. ×

Common Error Codes

Code Message Description
62101 userId does not exist, or it does not match to orgId. The parameters userId or orgId is not valid.
62103 User has no privilege. The user does not have access permission.
62109 Server internal exception Server internal exception