Application Registration Service

EnOS provides developers with the ability to create,delete, and get application information, and manage the menus and permissions for applications. For more information, see Registering and Managing Applications.

The APIs in Application Registration Service are some of the APIs EnOS provides that cover the core business processes of the system. For more information on EnOS APIs and the different APIs that EnOS provides, see About EnOS API.

For more information on how to invoke EnOS APIs, see Get Started with EnOS API.

API List

Refer to the table below for the list of Application Registration Service APIs, and whether they can be used by EnOS Cloud and EnOS Edge.


Operation Name


EnOS Cloud

EnOS Edge

Create App

Create an application for this OU.


Delete App

Delete an application for this OU.


List Apps

List the applications for this OU.


Retrieve Purchased Apps

Query the obtained applications using the application keyword or access key.


Update App

Update the application for this OU.


Update Purchased App

Approve or disapprove the request and authorize or deauthorize the menus and permissions for an application.


Application Category

Operation Name


EnOS Cloud

EnOS Edge

List Category

List the application categories for this OU.



Operation Name


EnOS Cloud

EnOS Edge

Create Permission

Create a permission for an application.


Delete Permission

Delete a menu for an application.


List Permissions

List the permissions for an application.


Update Permission

Update a permission for an application.
