Verify Code

Verify a verification code.

Operation Permissions

The user has logged in to Application Portal.

Request Format

POST https://{apigw-address}/app-portal-service/v2.3/verificationCode/verify

Request Parameters (URI)

Name Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
type Mandatory String The type of user authentication, supporting mfa for two-factor authentication.

Request Parameters (Header)

Name Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
Authorization Mandatory String The access token (or bearer token). The format of the parameter’s string is Bearer {your token}. Refer to Log In or Refresh Access Token to learn how to get the access token.

Request Parameters (Body)

Name Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
code Mandatory String The verification Code to be verified.

Response Parameters

Name Data Type Description
success Boolean
The result of verifying the verification code.
  • true for “successfully verified”
  • false for “failed to verify”

Error Codes

Error Code Description
31400 Required parameters are missing.
31410 The verification code has expired.
31429 The current email has attempted to verify the verification code too many times.
31430 The verification code is incorrect.


Request Sample

url: https://{apigw-address}/app-portal-service/v2.3/verificationCode/verify?type=mfa

method: POST

headers: {"accessToken":"Bearer your_token"}

{"code": "your_code"}

Return Sample

  "code": 0,
  "message": "OK",
  "data": {