Get Password Token

Get the token for resetting the password of a user.

Request Format

POST /app-portal-service/v2.3/password/getResetToken

Request Parameters (Query)

Name Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
orgId Mandatory String OU ID.

Request Parameters (Body)

Name Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
userID Optional String The ID of users to reset password. You need to provide at least one of the email and userID parameters.
email Optional String The email of users to reset password. You need to provide at least one of the email and userID parameters.

Response Parameters

Name Data Type Description
data Data Struct Token information.

Data Struct

Name Data Type Description
token String The token to reset password.

Error Codes

Error Code Description
31400 Required parameters are missing, or the user ID and email do not match.
31403 The application does not have the permission to create or delete OU user accounts.
31404 The OU or user does not exist, the user is not in the OU, or the OU does not acquire the application.
31429 The times of resetting passwords have reached the limit.


Request Sample

url: /app-portal-service/v2.3/password/getResetToken?orgId=your_org_ID

method: POST


  "userId": "your_user_id"


Return Sample


  "code": 0,

  "message": "",

  "data": {

    "token": "your_token"

