Get Application Information

Get the information of an application.

Request Format

GET https://{apigw-address}/app-portal-service/v2.3/app/get

Request Parameter (Query)

Name Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
orgId Mandatory String OU ID.
appId Mandatory String Application ID.

Response Parameter

Name Data Type Description
data Data Struct Application information.

Data Struct

Name Data Type Description
id String Application ID.
code String Application code.
nameJson Object The application name in its respective locale’s language. For more details on the structure and locales supported, see Internationalized name struct.
descriptionJson Object The application description in its respective locale’s language.
createdType Number Application Type. 0 for acquired applications, 1 for organization applications, and 2 for application shortcuts.
order number The order of the application.
category Object The category of the application.
isEnable Boolean The application is enabled or disabled. true for enabled, false for disabled.
isDisplay Boolean The application is displayed on the navigation pane or not. true for displayed. false for not displayed.
tags Tags List The list of application tags.
menus AppResourceDTO Struct The list of application menus.
permissions AppResourceDTO Struct The list of application permissions.

Tags List

Name Data Type Description
key String The key of a tag.
value String The value of a tag.

AppResourceDTO Struct

Name Data Type Description
id String Menu or permission ID.
code String Menu or permission code.
nameJson Object The menu or permission name in its respective locale’s language.
descriptionJson Object The menu or permission description in its respective locale’s language.
url String Menu URL.
displayOrder Integer The display order of the menu. The value is an integer starting from 1. The smaller the number is, the higher the place on the menu list.
createdTime String The time when the menu was created.
parentId String The parent menu.
sourceApp String The application that the menu belongs to.
Icon String Menu icon.
additionType String Menu type.
jumpLocation String The redirecting address of the menu.
children AppResourceDTO Struct The child menus.

Error Codes

Error Code Description
31400 Required parameters are missing.
31404 The application does not exist, or the OU does not acquire the application.


Request Sample

url: /app-portal-service/v2.3/app/get?orgId=your_org_id&appId=your_app_id

method: GET

Return Sample

    "code": 0,
    "data": {
        "isNewNavigation": false,
        "permissions": [
                "code": "Write",
                "nameJson": {
                    "default": "Write",
                    "en_US": "WriteUS",
                    "zh_CN": "WriteCN",
                    "es_ES": "WriteES",
                    "ja_JP": "WriteJP"
                "displayOrder": 0,
                "name": "your_menu_name",
                "id": "your_menu_id",
                "url": "",
                "parentId": ""
                "code": "Read",
                "nameJson": {
                    "default": "Read",
                    "en_US": "ReadUS",
                    "zh_CN": "ReadCN",
                    "es_ES": "ReadES",
                    "ja_JP": "ReadJP"
                "displayOrder": 0,
                "name": "your_menu_name",
                "id": "your_menu_id",
                "url": "",
                "parentId": ""
        "menus": [
                "code": "menu2",
                "nameJson": {
                    "default": "menu2",
                    "en_US": "menu2US",
                    "zh_CN": "menu2CN",
                    "es_ES": "menu2ES",
                    "ja_JP": "menu2JP"
                "children": [
                        "code": "menu2_1",
                        "nameJson": {
                            "default": "menu2-1",
                            "en_US": "menu2-1US",
                            "es_ES": "menu2-1ES",
                            "ja_JP": "menu2-1JP"
                        "children": [

                        "displayOrder": 1,
                        "name": "your_menu_name",
                        "id": "your_menu_id",
                        "url": "your_menu_url",
                        "parentId": "your_parent_menu_id"
                "displayOrder": 1,
                "name": "your_menu_name",
                "additionType": 0,
                "id": "your_menu_id",
                "url": "",
                "parentId": ""
    "message": "OK"