Refresh Access Token

Request a new access token using the refresh token.

Request Format

GET https://{apigw-address}/app-portal-service/v2.2/token/refresh

Request Parameters (URI)

Name Location (Path/Query) Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
refreshToken Query Mandatory String The refresh token. Refer to Choose Organization to learn how to get the refresh token

Response Parameters

Name Data Type Description
data Data Struct The details of the new access token

Data Struct

Name Data Type Description
userId String The user ID
userName String The user name
currentOrgId String The current organization ID
currentOrgName String The current organization name
accessToken String The new access token
refreshToken String The new refresh token
refreshTokenExpire String The refresh token expiration time in UTC format. For time formats, refer to ISO8601 Standard Time Formats Used by UTC


Request Sample

url: https://{apigw-address}/app-portal-service/v2.2/token/refresh?refreshToken=yourRefreshToken
method: GET

Return Sample

  "code": 0,
  "message": "OK",
  "data": {
    "userId": "your_user_id",
    "userName": "your_user_name",
    "workingOrganizationId": "your_org_id",
    "workingOrganizationName": "your_org_name",
    "accessToken": "your_access_token",
    "refreshToken": "your_refresh_token",
    "refreshTokenExpire": 1571368315000