Application Portal API Overview

The EnOS Application Portal is a unified EnOS-based application login portal. You can get information about users, assets, and applications through the Application Portal service to facilitate the configuration of permissions on the EnOS Application Portal.

For more information about Application Portal, see About Application Portal.
For more information about EnOS APIs, see About EnOS API.
To learn how to call an EnOS API, see Get Started with EnOS API.



Operation Name


Available on EnOS Cloud

Available on EnOS Edge

Get Token Information

Get information about the user who is currently logged-in through the access token

Log In

Log in to the account

Log In Via Authorization Code

Log in to Application Portal by using the Single Sign-On authorization code


Log Out

Log out of the account

Refresh Access Token

Request a new access token using the refresh token

Revoke Refresh Token

Revoke a user’s refresh token

User and Organization

Operation Name


Available on EnOS Cloud

Available on EnOS Edge

Choose Organization

Select the organization that the user needs to use after login

Create and Join User

Create a user and assign an OU to the user without logging in to Application Portal


Join Users

Assign users to an organization without logging in to Application Portal


Get Manageable User List

List all users that can be managed under the current account

Get Organization List

List the organizations which the current user belongs according to the access token

Get Organization Language List

Get the list of languages available for an organization

Get Organization User List

Authorize the application to get a list of all the users under a specified organization without logging in to the Application Portal

Get Organization Roles

Get all roles under an organization structure

Get App User List

Based on the accessKey of an application, get the list of users who have access to the application

Get User Information

Get the information of the current user

Get User Domain

Get the domain information of a user using the email address

Get User Structures

Get information of the organization structure to which a user is assigned

Get User Roles

Get all roles that are assigned to a user

Get User Permissions

Get the permissions that are assigned to a user for the current application


Get User Base Info

Get basic information about a user, such as the user ID, based on the user’s email, account and domain, or phone number and phone area code


Get Users Asset List

Get the asset permissions of users without logging in to Application Portal


Get Users Role List

Get the roles of users without logging in to Application Portal


Get Users Structure List

Get the organization structures of users without logging in to Application Portal


Get Users UserGroup List

Get the user groups of users without logging in to Application Portal


Assign Organization Structures

Assign organization structures to a user without logging in to Application Portal.


Assign User Roles

Assign roles to a user without logging in to Application Portal.


Assign User Groups

Assign user groups to a user without logging in to Application Portal.


Remove Organization Structures

Remove organization structures for a user without logging in to Application Portal.


Remove User Roles

Remove roles for a user without logging in to Application Portal.


Remove User Groups

Remove user groups for a user without logging in to Application Portal.


Remove User

Remove a user from an OU without logging in to Application Portal.



Operation Name


Available on EnOS Cloud

Available on EnOS Edge

Authorize Asset

Authorize the new asset created on EnOS platform to the asset creator

Check Asset Permission

Check if the current user has the access permission for the queried asset

Get Assets by Application

Get all assets that the current user can access under a specified application

Get Assets by Organization

Get all the assets that a specified user can access under a specified organization

Get Asset Structure

Get the upstream organizational structure where the asset is located

Get Structure Asset

Get all the assets that the user can access under an organization structure

Sync Asset

Synchronize assets on the EnOS to the Application Portal

Get Users with Asset Access

Get the list of users who have access permission to a specific asset


Operation Name


Available on EnOS Cloud

Available on EnOS Edge

Create Message

Create common messages and alert messages on the Application Portal

Get App Menu and Permission

Get the list of application menus and permissions

Get Colors of the Message Icon

Get the list of colors for configuring the message icon

Get Message Ringtones

Get the list of ringtones for configuring the message

Get User’s Applications

Get a list of applications that the current user has permission to access through the access token

Update Message

Update the status of the message

Get Unresolved Messages

Get the list of unresolved messages that are reported for the applications

Common Error Codes


Error Information





parameter.invalid.[parameter name]

The [parameter name]([parameter value]) is invalid. For example, parameter.invalid.userId indicates that the userId is invalid.



Please authentication first. Indicates that the user has not logged on.



Permission denied. Indicates that user has no permission to access or perform operations.


[entity name].not.exist

The [entity name]([entity ID]) does not exist. For example, user.not.exist indicates that the user does not exist, and organization.user.not.exist indicates that the user does not exist under the organization.


[entity name].already.existed

The [entity name]([entity ID]) is already existed. For example, user.already.existed indicates that the user alreadys exists, and organization.user.already.existed indicates that the user already exists under the organization.



The [entity name]([entity ID]) is conflict. Indicates that the account has been logged on from a different location.


[entity name].expired

The [entity name]([entity ID/value]) is expired. For example, cache.token.expired indicates that the token has expired.



The []([]) is out of range


[operation name.entity name].exhausted

Try [operation name.entity name] too many times. Please try again [time] later. For example, login.ip.exhausted indicates that there are too many login attempts from the IP address.


[entity name].too.many

Too many [entity name]. For example, user.too.many indicates that there are too many instances of the user (there should only be one instance).



System internal error



Service timeout


organization unselected

Please select organization first. Indicates that the user has not selected an organization.