Using the Base Shape Elements

Base shapes are the basic elements for creating the graph, such as text, line, rectangle, polyline, pie, image, etc. This article instructs how to insert base shape tools in the graph.


  1. From the Base Shape Tool navigation bar, select the base shape to be used, move the cursor to the graph area, left-click the mouse, move the mouse to draw the shape, and left-click the mouse again (for text and image, left-click the mouse just once).

  2. In the pop-up window or in the Property Window on the right of the page, set the properties of the base shape to complete inserting the base shape in the graph area. Taking the text base shape as example, the editing properties pop-up window is as per the below.


  3. To further edit the properties of the base shape, click Select from the Base Shape Tool navigation bar, click on the base shape in the graph area to select it, and edit its properties in the Property Window.


  4. Repeat the steps above to insert and edit other base shapes in the graph area.