Cloning APIs

You can clone a specific API and create an identical API in the same API group.

This article showes you how to clone an API.

Before You Start


  1. Log in to the EnOS Management Console and select API Management > My APIs.
  2. Select the group where the API to be cloned is located, click the View icon button_view of the API, and click the Clone icon button_clone at the top right of the Basic Information section.
  3. Modify the Basic Information, Back-end Service, Front-end Request, Response, and Advanced Configuration details for the API clone as per requirements. To successfully clone an API, you need to modify at least one of the following parameters.
    • Version
    • Request Path
    • Add or modify the the parameter location Query for Constant Parameters that have Mapping as true.
  4. Click OK.


In the API group details page, you will be able to see the API that has been cloned successfully.

Next Step

Deploying APIs