Changed APIs

EnOS 2.4.2 introduces the following API behavioral changes.

EnOS Semantic APIs

Below are the changes of semantic APIs in EnOS 2.4.2.

Common Data Service

API Name Description EnOS Cloud EnOS Edge
Query Accessible Asset Type , Query Accessible Asset , Query Asset Attribute , Query Asset Hierarchy , Query Asset Topology , and Query Asset Topology Rule The asset data returned can now be limited based on the asset permissions of the users.
Query Asset Hierarchy When you specify the value of the name field in the filter and orderBy request parameters to filter and sort the response data, internationalization value is supported.
Query Meta Measurement Point Added the applyDataFilter request parameter to specify whether to filter out assets with no active data uploaded in the response results.
Query Meta Metric Added the withSourceMetric request parameter to specify whether to query the metadata of source metrics.
Query Latest Measurement Point You can now specify how to filter the returned data by attributes in the filter and orderBy request parameters.

EnOS General APIs

Below are the changes of general APIs in EnOS 2.4.2.

Application Portal Service

API Name Description EnOS Cloud EnOS Edge
Log in via Authorization Code and Choose Organization Added the channel request parameter to display the login source of a user (such as via web pages or mobile devices) in Audit Log.
Get Organization User List
  • Added the userIDs request parameter to filter users by user ID.
  • Added the following response parameters:
    • createdTime, the time when a user is created
    • joinTime, the time when a user is added to the OU
    • company, the company of a user
    • depart, the department of a user
    • position, the position of a user
    • nickname, the nickname of a user
    • domain, the domain of a user
Get Asset by Organization and Get Users Asset List
  • Added the type response parameter to return the type of a resource.
  • Added the typeName response parameter to return the internationalized string of a resource type.
Get User Base Info
Added the following response parameters:
  • company, the company of a user
  • depart, the department of a user
  • position, the position of a user
Get Assets by Application and Get Structure Detail Added the needAssociateAsset request parameter to specify whether to return the resource associated to a organization structure node.