New APIs

In EnOS 2.1 Update Release, we added support to the following new APIs and API services.

Connection Service

API Name Description
Upload Attribute Upload the attribute data of a device, including file-type data.
Upload Events Upload the event data of a device, including file-type data.
Upload Measurement Points Upload the measurement point data of a device, including file-type data.
Download File Download a file from a device.
Delete File Delete a file from a device.

TSDB Data Service

Starting from this release, the TSDB Data Service version is upgraded to v2.1 (V2.0 is still in service). The new version has the following new functions and enhancements:

New Feature / Changes Before After Impact
New request parameter N/A localTimeFormat All APIs
New request parameter N/A itemFormat All APIs
Request method GET/POST POST All APIs
Changed request/response parameter measurepoints pointIds All APIs
Changed request/response parameter meaurepointsWithLogic pointIdsWithLogic All APIs
Changed request/response parameter meaurepoint pointId All APIs
Renamed response code status code All APIs
Message for successful request Success OK All APIs

The following API is added to the TSDB Data Service API V2.1:

API Name Description
Delete Asset Latest Data Delete the latest data of the specified measurement points of specified devices.

TSDB Policy Service

API Name Description
Get Storage Policy Get the TSDB storage policy corresponding to the model measurement point.
Save Storage Policy With storage policy ID, update and save the configuration of specified storage policy.

IAM Service

API Name Description
Log In Log in EnOS.
Get Session Information Get login session information.
List User Organization List the organizations to which a user belongs.

Application Portal Service

API Name Description
Log In Via Authorization Code Log in Application Portal via authorization code
Get User Domain Get the domain information of a user using the email address.
Get User Structures Get information of the organization structure to which a user is assigned.
Get Users with Asset Access Get the list of users who have access to a particular asset.
Get Unresolved Messages Get the list of unconfirmed application messages.

Data Federation Service

API Name Description
List Channels Get the list of created channels (Read and Write) in the organization.
Read Data Read data by providing SQL query through the specified channel.
List Jobs Get the data reading jobs or data writing jobs of a specified channel.
Get Job Details Get detailed information of a data reading job or a data writing job.
Write Message Write message to data source through a specified channel.
Write Chunk File Write file chunks to data source through a specified channel.

Stream Processing Service

API Name Description
Get Stage State Get the intermediate state data of a specified operator (stage) in a stream processing job.
Delete Stage State Delete the intermediate state data of a specified operator (stage) in a stream processing job.