Remove Sub-Device

Remove sub-devices from the gateway (remove the topological relationship).

Operation Permissions

Required Authorization Required Operation Permission
Device Management Full Access

Request Format

POST https://{apigw-address}/connect-service/v2.1/device-topos?action=removeSubDevice

Request Parameters (URI)

Name Location (Path/Query) Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
orgId Query Mandatory String The organization ID which the asset belongs to. How to get orgId>>

Request Parameters (Body)

Name Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
gateway Mandatory DeviceIdentfier Struct Information of the gateway to remove the sub-device from. For details, see DeviceIdentfier Struct.
subDevices Mandatory Array of DeviceIdentfier Structs The list of the sub-devices to be removed from the specified getaway. For details, see DeviceIdentfier Struct.

DeviceIdentifier Struct

Note: Use either the (assetId) or (productKey + deviceKey) for the following.

Name Data Type Description
assetId String The asset ID. How to get assetId>>
productKey String The product key. To be used with deviceKey .
deviceKey String The device key. To be used with productKey .

Error Codes

Code Data Type Description
11738 Not Gateway The device specified in gateway is not a gateway.
11795 Invalid arguments One or multiple parameters are invalid.


Request Sample

url: https://{apigw-address}/connect-service/v2.1/device-topos?action=remove&orgId=yourOrgId
method: POST

Return Sample


Java SDK Sample

package com.envisioniot.enos.api.sample.connect_service.device.topo;

import com.envision.apim.poseidon.config.PConfig;
import com.envision.apim.poseidon.core.Poseidon;
import com.envisioniot.enos.connect_service.v2_1.device.topo.RemoveSubDeviceRequest;
import com.envisioniot.enos.connect_service.v2_1.device.topo.RemoveSubDeviceResponse;
import com.envisioniot.enos.connect_service.vo.DeviceIdentifier;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class RemoveSubDevice {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        final String appKey = "yourAppKey";
        final String appSecret = "yourAppSecret";
        String serverUrl = "yourServerUrl";

        String orgId = "yourOrgId";
        RemoveSubDeviceRequest request = new RemoveSubDeviceRequest();
        request.setGateway(new DeviceIdentifier("J1Rqyaqz"));

        List<DeviceIdentifier> deviceList = new ArrayList<>();
        deviceList.add(new DeviceIdentifier("zGeKTDrw"));
        deviceList.add(new DeviceIdentifier("Fi0HQ8FO"));

        RemoveSubDeviceResponse response = Poseidon.config(PConfig.init().appKey(appKey).appSecret(appSecret).debug())
                .getResponse(request, RemoveSubDeviceResponse.class);