Application Portal Service Overview

The EnOS Application Portal is a unified EnOS-based application login portal. You can get information about users, assets, and applications through the Application Portal service, and configure permissions on the EnOS Application Portal.

For more information about the EnOS Application Portal, refer to About Application Portal.


Operation Name Description
Get Token Information Get information about the user who is currently logged-in through the access token
Log In Log in to the account
Log In Via Authorization Code Log in Application Portal via authorization code
Log Out Log out of the account
Refresh Access Token Request a new access token using the refresh token
Revoke Refresh Token Revoke a user’s refresh token

User and Organization

Operation Name Description
Choose Organization Select the organization that the user needs to use after login
Get Manageable User List List all users that can be managed under the current account
Get Organization List List the organizations which the current user belongs according to the access token
Get Organization User List Authorize the application to get a list of all the users under a specified organization without logging in to the Application Portal
Get App User List Based on the accessKey of an application, get the list of users who have access to the application
Get User Information Get the information of the current user
Get User Domain Get the domain information of a user using the email address
Get User Structures Get information of the organization structure to which a user is assigned


Operation Name Description
Authorize Asset Authorize the new asset created on EnOS platform to the asset creator
Check Asset Permission Check if the current user has the access permission for the queried asset
Get Assets by Application Get all assets that the current user can access under a specified application
Get Assets by Organization Get all the assets that a specified user can access under a specified organization
Get Asset Structure Get the upstream organizational structure where the asset is located
Sync Asset Synchronize assets on the EnOS to the Application Portal
Get Users with Asset Access Get the list of users who have access permission to a specific asset


Operation Name Description
Create Message Create common messages and alert messages on the Application Portal
Get App Menu and Permission Get the list of application menus and permissions
Get Colors of the Message Icon Get the list of colors for configuring the message icon
Get Message Ringtones Get the list of ringtones for configuring the message
Get User’s Applications Get a list of applications that the current user has permission to access through the access token
Update Message Update the status of the message
Get Unresolved Messages Get the list of unresolved messages that are reported for the applications

Common Error Codes

Code Error Information Description
200   成功
400 parameter.invalid.[参数名] The [参数名]([参数值]) is invalid。 parameter.invalid.userId表示参数userId不合法
401 unauthenticated Please authentication first 用户未登录
403 permission.denied Permission denied无权访问或操作
404 [主体名].not.exist The [主体名]([主体标识]) does not exist| user.not.exist表示用户不存在 organization.user.not.exist表示组织下用户不存在
408 [主体名].already.existed The [主体名]([主体标识]) is already existed | user.already.existed表示用户已存在,organization.user.already.existed表示组织下用户已存在
409 [] The [主体名]([主体标识]) is conflict | 账号在另一地点登录
410 [主体名].expired The [主体名]([主体标识/值]) is expired | cache.token.expired表示token失效
415 [].out.range The []([]) is out of range
429 [操作名.主体名].exhausted Try [操作名.主体名] too many times. Please try again [时长] later. | login.ip.exhausted表示某IP登录过于频繁,用光次数
432 [主体名].too.many Too many [主体名] | user.too.many表示存在多个用户(本应只有一个)
500 system.internal.error System internal error | 系统错误
504 timeout Service timeout | 服务超时
512 organization unselected Please select organization first| 用户未选择组织