
It is recommended that you read the following before you create any alerts. The limitations listed here are applicable to each OU.

Item Limitations
Alert Severity
  • Max number that can be created: 1,000
  • Max number of tags that can be added: 100
  • Max number that can be associated with a single rule: 1
Alert Type
  • Max number that can be created: 1,000
  • Max number of tags that can be added: 100
  • Max number that can be associated with a single rule: 1
Alert Rule
  • Max number that can be created: 100,000
  • Max number of tags that can be added: 100
  • Old Version
    • Max number of conditions per rule (all data types other than Struct): 10
    • Max number of condition group levels per rule (Struct data type): 3
    • Max number of conditions and condition groups (combined) per rule (Struct data type): 10
    • Max number of conditions and conditions groups (combined) per condition group per rule (Struct data type): 10
  • New Version
    • Max number of triggers per rule: 3 (1 if Device Status is the trigger)
    • Max number of metrics per trigger per rule: 5
    • Max number of condition group levels per rule: 5
    • Max number of conditions per condition group per rule: 5
    • Max number of specific assets that can be selected for a rule’s scope: 100
    • When comparing measurement point trigger initiators, only those with the same data type can be compared (include those inside the Struct data type)
    • Measurement points of int, float, and double data types cannot be compared with each other.
    • Scope: Only the first trigger supports multiple assets. Subsequent triggers support only 1.
Alert Record Max period records are stored for: 6 months by default (can be configured at Alert Record Storage Configuration)